1. Monday 13th July 2020
It's our last Monday in Year 5. Today we are going to start our trip down memory lane. All the tasks you need to complete are in your planner for the day. You will need to start by creating a front cover for your book- I included some tacky-bac in your pack so you can tacky bac it when you are finished. The title of your book is "Year 5- A Trip Down Memory Lane."
In the resources I have attached some writing that I have completed about myself. One of your tasks today is to write all about the wonderful person that you are. Read my text before you start writing! It will give you some ideas of how to vary the way that you start sentences.
Once you have completed your project tasks there is some maths work for you to do in your maths books. We will be looking at metric units- click here to watch a video to help you.