1.Monday 13th July
Good Morning Year 2,
Today in SPaG I would like the children to use the PowerPoint past and present. Then sort the verbs into past and present. Once the children have completed the sorting I would like them to write sentences with the past and present words. E.g. If they picked the word 'spoke', their sentence could be 'I spoke to my friend on the phone.'. Choose between 5-10 words from the sorting grid to write in different sentences. Choose a mixture of past and present words.
In mathematics we are continuing with our topic time. Today we will be learning about hours and days. Please use lesson 1 slides on the PowerPoint. Then use the worksheet 'Hours and Days'. Please complete sheets on pages 1,2 and 4 unless your child was in the hexagon group, then complete the pages 1,2 and 5.
If you would like to do more maths then complete the activity sorting events as well.
Don't forget your Times Table Rockstars to help you learn your times tables, your logins are in your mathematics homework books. I have set it to carry on throughout the summer holidays and have added the 3 times tables. To give you a little head start for Year 3, in Year 3 you will learn your 3, 4 and 8 times tables.
Please choose a task on the Whole School Learning page for this afternoon.
Have a great day,
Mrs Osborn