4. Thursday 25th June 2020
Message from Mrs O'Neil- if you are joining us for our webinar today you will need a piece of paper and a pencil we are going to play a game. Remember you can join on Thursday at 3:30pm or Friday at 2pm- see you then!
Good morning Year 5! What beautiful weather we are having this week and a perfect opportunity to take some learning outdoors... Today's SPaG isn't outdoors SPaG, (explanation and resources uploaded below as usual), however your maths task should get you outdoors and active and practising maths skills all at the same time! I have uploaded the resource and explanation below and hope that you enjoy it: do feel to get creative on the details of the game and make it your own!
Hopefully you are now intrigued and keen to check out what I am talking about, but before you go, just a reminder that I will be on the blog at 10.00 and again at 2.00 (although I do pop on throughout the day on a Thursday, so if you post a comment, I will read it!). Also, do check out my science and PSHE whole school learning activities for this week if you haven't already!
Have a great day and do pop by the Y5 blog to say hi!
Mrs Clay :)