Wednesday 24th June
Please practice the new words. Look at the presentation and then have a go at one of the activities - either discussing the meaning of each word, looking for any patterns and having a go. Some of the words this week are quite challenging. Look up the meaning of any you are not sure of in a dictionary. To get you started, here are a couple of definitions. The spelling 'sure' sounding 'zure' is a compulsory year 3 expectation for spelling, so make sure you feel really confident with them!
composure - the feeling of being calm and in control.
fissure - a line of breakage made by cracking or splitting in rock or in the earth.
If you're a confident speller, you might like to play the game. New spellings on spelling shed. We'll be using at school. Who's on the leader board today? (We had great fun looking yesterday and were so thrilled to see so many of your names from home on the leader board)! Yesterday, Max was in the lead. Who will it be today?
If you've sent any messages on the Purplemash blog, see if you've had any replies.
Please continue with your leaflet. Watch the link here.
Click here Instructions for your Leaflet - Mrs Willgoose
Sorry it didn't work yesterday as I couldn't upload it at school for some reason.
Good luck! You have today and tomorrow to work on this project. Please send any in, and I will aim to give you a personal response on your efforts as soon as I can!
WALT: Identify Horizontal and Vertical Lines
Horizontal and Vertical Lines Video - Click here
Make sure you're confident with the mathematical vocabulary!
I'm continuing to miss you all and hope that you are well, doing some learning and enjoying this beautiful weather. There will be no webinar today, but there will be one on Thursday at 11.30am. I will send a new link to your parents. I hope you can make it.
Take care,
Mrs Willgoose