1. Monday 22nd June 2020
Good morning- I hope you were up bright and early this morning after a great weekend. Saturday was the longest day of the year so I hope you enjoyed every second of it, it's the day when summer officially starts- so roll on sunshine.
Let's start this morning by getting those SPaG skills ready for year 6 in September.
I would like you to start your English this morning by listening to The Magic Box by Kit Wright. Click here to listen to the poet read this beautiful poem. Your task today is to write the poem in your book, using your best handwriting, then illustrate it. Here's one I did earlier 9that is my favourite phrase, I miss saying that to you all). I have also attached a copy at he bottom of the page. Then make a list of ten things you would put into your magic box.
eg ‘The crunch of hot buttered toast, golden sunlight from the summer sun’. |
Arithmetic heads on to start maths this morning- it is arithmetic number 19 that you need to complete! Then click here to watch a video on subtracting decimals with the same number of places. The resources you will need are attached at the bottom of the page.
This afternoon try some art work. I have added the ideas about The White Horse by Paul Gauguin to the resources on this page. There are some great videos that you can watch that teach you how to draw a horse. Enjoy- send me some of your artwork!