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2. Tuesday 16th June

1. Phonics- please follow lesson 2 on our phonics page

2. Writing

Watch Magic Grandad

Observe how different the seaside was when your grandparents were young.

Look at the seaside factfile attached below and think about the following questions: how is it different to the seaside that we know now? Is anything the same? Have a discussion with your child about the similarities and differences. 

Task: compare the seaside 'Then' and 'Now'. Cut and stick the pictures in the correct columns. This task can be completed independently.

3. Maths - dates

Ask questions such as:

What day is it today? What month are we in? How many days in a week? How many months in a year? What is the date today? Do you know any special events? What month are they in?

Powerpoint slides 14-18, try and have a discussion with your child using the same vocabulary as yesterday where appropriate: before, after, first, next, then, finally.

Worksheet task: fill in the blanks and answer questions about the days and months of the year.

*If possible this could be done practically using a wall calender if you have one at home (velcro sticking days and months in the correct order).

Or through role play e.g. planning a shopping list for the week writing the days at the top, or making your own calander with the correct months.*

It is important that children know how to write and spell the days and months as well as say their correct order!


Choose an activity to complete from the page below.

Holy Family whole school learning projects

Homework: spelling words