5. Friday 12th June 2020
It's Friyay! We haven't enjoyed much sunshine this week, but I have read lots of reports about the sun coming back very soon. I can't wait. I hope you have had another good week of home learning and have managed to do lots of different tasks. Don't forget to check you Purple Mash emails each day, I love getting your replies and will always reply at the end of each day.
Lots of you have made a special effort this week to contact a friend in the class for a catch up- I have heard lots of great stories. Today at 3:30 we are going to all meet again for a chat, so I hope to see lots of you later.
Meanwhile, we have to get some work done! but the good thing is that it is Friday, after today we get two days off! Whoop whoop!
So let's start the day with some English work. I have sent you all some feedback for your letter last week, so start today by completing your green for growth. Then ask an adult to test you on your spelling words.
Today we are going to write a play. previous plays you have written in Year 5 have beeb fabulous pieces of writing, so I think you really enjoy writing them. Your play is based on the events of Chapter 5, who Lila met and spoke to. You will need to set the scene every time there is a change of scene and give stage directions to let the characters know how to say their words. The success criteria I would like you to use are:
- Stage directions in brackets
- Name of speaker on left
- Colon after name of speaker
- Voice directions in brackets after name of speaker and colon
- New line for each new speaker
It is also important to think about the vocabulary that you use and the of course punctuation.
An extra idea for you to think about (this is optional), you could act out your script with someone at home or a friend on facetime. You could send them a picture of the words and then have great fun performing your script together.
Maths- today I would like you to start by completing an arithmetic task, it is attached at the bottom in the resources. Your main maths task is to compare and order decimals. To watch the video click here. I have added an extra worksheet at the bottom of the page for you to do if you have time. I have posted the answer sheet as well.
Have a lovely afternoon looking at some of the tasks from our whole school project- and I shall see you all at 3:30pm. Don't forget to send me more photos of all the great things you are doing at home.
lots of love,
Mrs O'Neil