Week Commencing Welcome to PSHE for the summer term, which is led by Mrs Clay.
Each week I will be uploading a PSHE activity for you to complete over the course of the week. This activity could just be completed by your child/ren, however I would encourage any adults at home to join in too and use these activities as another chance to talk and share as a family. The activities I have chosen are suitable for all ages and are all aimed at promoting wellbeing. We are such an important part of God's Wonderful World and must remember to take care of ourselves too.
I hope that you enjoy completing these activities as a family.
Week Commencing 8th June: The 5 Day Happiness Challenge (Week 1)
Week Commencing 15th June: Gratitude Jar or Box (Week 2)
Week Commencing 22nd June: A Jar of Things to Look Forward to (Week 3)
Week Commencing 29th June: An Alphabet of Kindness (Week 4)
Week Commencing 6th July: Mindfulness Challenges (Week 5)
Week Commencing 13th July: Lockdown Reflections (Week 6)