Friday 12th June
Good morning Year 3! I hope that you are keeping well and are looking forward to a relaxing weekend with your families.
As usual, I have uploaded the maths and SPaG tasks for today below, including any explanations needed for the task (so I won't repeat myself here). When you have completed your morning learning, have a look at this week's whole school science ideas (Lovely Leaves) and, if you haven't already, choose one of the activities. Remember to also check out the PSHE activity too!
I went to Wisley on Tuesday for the first time since March with my boys and we enjoyed looking at the different trees and their leaves there and made bark rubbings. We took a picnic and a very determined duck stole a bit of Sam's sandwich and made off with some of Joseph's pringles! I have never seen such a bold duck: it worked its way from family to family raiding what it could! I tried the thing where you shoo the duck whilst waddling behind it, but it didn't work and I was wondering whether I would actually have to pick it up and move it out of the way, but was too worried it would peck me. Luckily, someone else's picnic lured it away.
Anyway, that's enough duck waffle. I will catch you on the blog this morning at 10.00 and look forward to catching up with you there. If I don't catch you there, have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Clay :)