Thursday 11th June
For Maths today, I thought we could start with Roman Numerals. If you are completely new to Roman numerals, you might like to the look at the powerpoint below. There's also a PDF version, but this means that the answers will be visible, as you don't click to reveal. Then there's a Roman Numerals Colour by Number (3 sheets of increasing difficulty). Small challenge - where can you spot Roman Numerals still being used in modern day life?
Then, the White Rose small step is comparing lengths. You can leave sheet 1 if you're feeling fatigued by home learning, and just fancy a practical task today which is on sheet 2. You need a tape measure or something! So try to do Q5 and 6 if you can find willing family participants. Some of you may only have two people at home, so I'm happy to give 2 measurements for your charts if needed! Don't judge me on my jump; I need some training! I've mixed up the measurements, so you'll have to convert some of them into cm.
Name | Height | Foot Length | Jump |
Mrs Willgoose | 1m 66cm | 23 cm | 78cm |
Emilia | 107 cm | 160 mm | 57cm |
The last question is tricky (Q7), but some of you might like to try it. Top tip - convert everything into cm first! So from millimetres (mm) to centimetres (cm) and metres (m) to centimetres (cm). Only then work out the clues. You'll find there are two sunflowers under 1m, so leave Mo until later. Video if needed!
Click here for video Compare Lengths
Then it is Big Write Day!
I'm not going to say too much about this. Present yesterday's draft in your neatest writing. You've already done the hard work, so now it is the case of bringing it all together! Is your punctuation remembered. Does it make sense? Have you got your spellings as right as possible? Is your handwriting the best it can possibly be? A good size and with cursive letters starting on the line? There are some additional resources below for handwriting, if you need some help. Remember layout is also extremely important for a letter! Good luck! Remember to take a photo of your work and send it in. I love to see your amazing work, and I'll add them to our class gallery for all to see!
If you haven't been on the online resouces (Spelling Shed, Times Tables Rockstars and Purplemash) maybe today is a great day to do it? Or check out the Home Learning projects. I've seen some lovely Monet paintings of lilypads and also some great Bible story pictures of our wonderful world for RE and pictures of fantastic cooking! What have you been doing?