Week 2
Monday 8th June.
1. Spelling Test
2. SPaG. Prefixes and Suffixes
Today the children are learning about verb endings. Watch this video to remind you child what a verb is verb song. Look at the booklet below, please only complete page 5!
3. Maths
Starter: try and sort these coins https://www.topmarks.co.uk/money/coins-game
Then using slides 3-17 of the powerpoint try and discuss the different coins. What about their shape and size? The difference between pounds and pence and talk about symbols £ and p.
Activity: have a go at calculating how much a group of coins makes using the worksheet below. Try and do 5 sums minimum but you don't have to do them all.
OPTIONAL practical activity: try coin rubbing using the sheet below.
Choose an activity to complete from the page below.