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Week 1

Monday 1st June. Blog on purple mash 11-12 today.


1. Spelling Test

2. SPaG. Prefixes and Suffixes

Please see activity booklet below. We will be completing the booklet over the next 3 weeks so please only complete the pages I set each week and avoid rushing ahead!

Today the children are learning about the plural noun suffixes -s and -es. Watch this video to help explain what Prefixes and Suffixes are. Then, look at the booklet below at plural noun suffixes (adding -s or -es to the end of a word to make it plural). Please only complete pages 2, 3 and 4!

3. Maths

This half term you have a choice of what Maths to do. Choice 1: If your child is enjoying the white rose maths videos and tasks please continue with these each day. Choice 2: however, if your child is struggling to stay motivated with the repetitive structure, please follow the Maths lessons I have attached below. These worksheets are more familiar to the children as we use them in school.

*Please note that I believe that the white rose home learning is repeating what we have already learnt so my work (choice 2) is diffrent and in most cases new learning that the children haven't seen yet.

Please only do one choice! It will be more than enough.

Choice 1: White rose maths (activity attached below)

Choice 2: the powerpoint attached below is to be used across the whole week. Please work your way through fluency questions (slides 3-10) from Lesson 1- Describe Turns. Then complete activity. Finally, complete reasoning questions from powerpoint as a plenary/ consolidation of todays learning (slides 11-12).


Choose an activity to complete from the page below.

Holy Family whole school learning projects