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Summer Term 2nd Half

Welcome back everyone, I hope you all had a lovely half term! This half term is our final half term in Year 1 which means this is our final topic of learning. So, I really hope you are going to enjoy it! Our topic this half term is HOLIDAYS! Mrs Osborn and I considered changing the topic given recent circumstances but we decided that we should celebrate the idea of holidays and look forward to having a holiday in the future.

The website will change slightly this term but hopefully it will still be beneficial to you when supporting your child's learning at home. As you know, the teachers are in school a lot more and managing the website will be tricky, so as a whole school we have changed our format slightly. What I put on the website here will be the same as what I do with the children in school. The day will be split into two parts: Morning (English, Maths, RE) and Afternoon (choice of foundation topic project). Each teacher has taken on the task of planning 7 weeks worth of work for a foundation subject e.g. DT, Art, Science, Geography. The projects have been planned to accommodate children from all year groups; from reception right the way to Year 6. Each afternoon your child should choose one subject project to complete throughout that afternoon. By the end of the week they will have completed work from the 5 foundation subjects. If you have siblings in another year group you can do the project together if you'd like! Please read more about this on the whole school learning page here.

Therefore, an example timetable might look like this:

Monday- English, Maths, DT

Tuesday- English, Maths, Science

Wednesday- English, Maths, RE, Geography

Thursday- English, Maths, Art

Friday- English, Maths, Music

This does not have to be the same every week, the order can change in accordance with your child's preference.

I will continue to set spellings on a Tuesday and Maths homework on a Wednesday

I hope I have explained this in a clear and concise way. We are thinking this will be simpler for you at home but also reignite some motivation in children who are starting to get tired of working from home.

As always, you can contact me at if you have any queries. I will reply as quickly as I can.

Let's have a lovely last term together in Year 1!

Best wishes, Miss Hodson x

Blog: School's out for the summer holidays - well nearly! - ABC ...