Welcome to Science for the summer term which is lead by Mrs Clay. Our overall topic, 'God's Wonderful World', is linked to Pope Francis' 2015 letter 'Laudato Si', in which he asks us to protect and care for our common home. Each week in our science learning journey will have a different theme based on 'God's Wonderful World'.
In each week's activity PDF, I have suggested three activities: choose one that you would like to carry out as a family (but you are obviously welcome to choose more if you would like to!). All of the activities are practical and will involve you making use of a range of scientific skills (the 'working scientifically' skills that we talk about at school). Each activity PDF also includes weblinks to support you in your home learning.
I would really love to see some of your wonderful science work, so please email me at and let me know whether you are happy for me to share your work here on the science page.
The themes for the next 7 weeks are going to be:
Week 1 - Get Growing!
Week 2 - Lovely Leaves
Week 3 - Marvellous Minibeasts
Week 4 - Exploring Evaporation
Week 5 - Clever Chemistry
Week 6 - Wonderful Water
Week 7 - Solar Science
I hope that you enjoy these activities: I am looking forward to doing them with my own children too!
Mrs. Clay :)