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22nd May Friday

Good morning Year 3!

As Mrs Willgoose said on yesterday's page, today is an INSET day across the MAT, so I won't be setting a maths and SPaG task for you today. I did have them ready, but I will just have to save them for the first week back after half term! The focus is very much for you to make a start on your half term with your families and enjoy your time together, with a well-earned break all round from all of your hard work with your home learning. However, if anyone would like to do a bit of science, I have an optional task for you below. I won't be on the blog today, so will wish you all a wonderful half term. 

Optional Science Task:

Think about what plants need to grow well and stay healthy. Visit and search for ‘Ivy’s Plant Shop’. Then watch the video ‘What do plants need to survive?’ Make a poster about the different things that plants need to grow well.​​​​​​​You could then help to look after some plants over the half term. Think about what you need to do to help them to grow well.