20th May Wednesday
Hello everybody to Wednesday. It's meant to be the hottest day of the year so far, so try to enjoy it, but wear sunscreen! You've got English, Maths and RE today.
No new spellings this week to learn as it is Half Term next week :-)
L.O. I can plan and include opinions in a news report
Today you will continue to develop your news reports! You will ask others their opinion / interview witnesses (ask any willing people around you to help by being a pretend witness). They can always pretend they're Flynn, who's our guest witness on our blog at 10am today or they can become a new witness called Sheila or something! Be inventive, creative and go with the flow of what feels right!
You can pop to the blog today at 10am to get an eye witness account from Flynn Gibson, who was a witness to the Space-Bat-Angel-Dragon events. Have a question ready for him. Or ask me / another teacher on the blog(s) for their witness account if it's a news story to do with school you are doing.
You can also use the speaking and listening frame (attached below) as a guide.
Practice role play interviewing.
- “Hello and welcome to Class 3 News, today I’m reporting live from Australia to tell you more about.”
- Remember to introduce your witness to audience before asking questions (“This is so and so who saw the event, what can you tell us?”) Witnesses give their opinions when they say I think or I felt.
- End the news report as a real TV news report would be. “That’s all for now, we’ll bring you more news as it happens.”
Tomorrow you will be presenting your TV report (and if possible record it and send it to me at: year3@holy-family.surrey.sch.uk ). This News Report is in place of your Big Write. Good luck and most importantly have fun with this! You can get out some props if you like! N.B. For any children who don't wish to be filmed / perform, don't worry, but please make sure they develop their skills in front of the pet dog if need be, to help develop confidence!
Please spend 10 minutes having a go at the weekly arithmetic as listed below. How many can you get right this week? Are you getting quicker? Where are you making mistakes? What could you do differently?
Then, White Rose:
Subtract 2-digit numbers from 3-digit numbers, crossing 10 or 100
Please all watch the video first.
Click here for White Rose Video Subtract 2-digit from 3-digits
Then White Rose sheets as below - Attempt as much as you can.
If you choose to, there are some games to play on Purplemash 2DO and on this link:
(Click on Play Game, then choose Subtraction, then choose 2-digit from 3-digit. Enjoy and try not to crash!)
R.E. Our new topic for R.E. is 'Choices'
LEARNING FOCUS 1: Two sons make choices.
When he was teaching the people, and trying to help them, Jesus told this story about two sons who made choices. Choices always have consequences.
Read the story:
There was once a man who had two sons. He went to the older one and said, “Son, go and work in the vineyard today.”
“I don’t want to,” he answered, but later he changed his mind and went. Then the father went to the other son and said the same thing. “Yes, sir,” he answered, but he did not go.
Which one of the two did what his father wanted?
Now Jesus was in the Temple teaching when he told this story, so he said to the people who were listening, “What do you think? Which of the two sons did what his father wanted?” And they all said, “the first.”
Matthew 21: 28-31
See a cartoon of this story:
Click here: The Parable of the Two Sons
- Discuss what choices each son (what they decided to do) made and the consequences (how it affected others / them) these choices had on them and their father.
- Think about any choices you've made and the consequences , good / bad for yourself /others.