3. Wednesday 13th May 2020
Good morning, it's hump day- I have sent you all a hump day email on Purple Mash.
The staff have been up to some very silly things- click here to see what they have been doing.
Thank you to you all for completing a marathon last week, you all ran, walked and scooted in some lovely places near to our homes. I have put all your pictures in this movie so that together we walked a marathon- click here to watch it
If you have done any great work this week don't forget to send me some pictures for our gallery.
Start the morning by doing some handwriting using the spellings words for this week.
Now we are going to finish Chapter 3 of The Firework Maker's Daughter- click here
Today I have some questions for you to answer before you start your main English task. They are based on Chapter 3, use the book to look back at the text.
- What are the pirates’ daggers made from?
- What was Rambashi’s next plan, after failing as a pirate?
- Why do you think Rambashi makes so many plans?
- What is the main problem in this chapter?
- How is the High Priest’s face described?
- What part of the chapter did you find the most interesting?
- Can you describe the Full Moon Ceremony?
You have done lots of great research into the life of Phillip Pullman. Today we are going to plan the biography that we will write on Friday. Remind yourself what would be included in a biography. I have attached the powerpoint again for you to remind yourself. There is a planning sheet for you to use if you would like one, you could just do your plan in your book if you prefer.
As an extra activity once your plan is finished, download the interview questions in the resources below, use the questions to interview someone you know. It could be someone in your home or someone else you know. You could ring them or use FaceTime. Record your answers on your sheet, you could add some of your own questions as well.
This is your feedback for your argument writing from last. It was a pleasure to read through all your work. I look forward to reading your biographies this week.
For your maths today start with some time on TT Rockstars to practise your tables.
Your main maths tasks are to complete some work on Improper Fractions & Mixed Numbers. The resources are at the bottom of the page.
Follow the link here to the video- click here Do some great work on fractions this morning.