5. Friday 1st May
Good morning Year 5!
It is Friyay already, I hope you are ready for the weekend. We have a takeaway on a Friday and on Saturday we plan a themed night. This weekend it is an Indian takeaway and our theme on Saturday is Spain so we are going to make Tapas. Megan and I have a plan to make some "Pupcakes"- these are dog friendly cupcakes, we are going to deliver some to the doorstep of some of Arthur's doggy friends.
Today you need to complete your BIG WRITE- this week you are writing a diary. Then you need to take a picture of your work and send it to me. You can do this on Purple Mash or email me at year5@holy-family.surrey.sch.uk.
I look forward to receiving all your work, I am with the children in school today so I won't be able to reply to you until after 3pm.
Finally, we need to read to the end of Chapter 2 of The Firework Maker's Daughter, we left Lila watching some crocodiles slide off the sandbank and into the water.
Read the end of Chapter 2 with Mrs O'Neil
Have a lovely weekend, hopefully we can all enjoy some time in the garden.
Love Mrs O'Neil