19. Thursday 14th May
Our blog will be open from 9-11 today on purple mash. Please vote for the story that you want to hear today!
Phonics- follow a lesson from our Phonics page. Remember to follow them in order and if you have watched all of the lessons try practising an alternative spelling for one of the sounds.
Writing- complete your booklet from yesterday. Use kiddle to find out new facts about your animal. Please remember to write the sentences in your own words, don't just copy! If you have completed your booklet then complete the reading comprehension below.
Maths- https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/ worksheet attached below. Then complete week 19 arithmetic.
Geography- Over the next two weeks you will be creating a report/ documentary about the Great Barrier Reef. Using the information the children have found out in English, you will present their findings either on a video or PowerPoint. You need to include what ocean it is in, where the great barrier reef is and information about the animal, they have found out about. If you want to do a video i suggest you plan your documentary this week and film/ edit it next week. I'd like you to think creatively about what props or video effects you might use. If you choose to do a powerpoint then take the two weeks to complete it, adding special effects and formatting the text if you'd like.
Storytime- hopefully you participated in our story book vote this morning. Look on the 'work from home' page for a reading of the winning book to end our Thursday.
Homework- please make sure you are still reading to a parent everyday!