29th April Wednesday
Good morning everyone. Hope you managed to still have an enjoyable day yesterday, even though it was raining. For today:
New spelling words. Really make sure you learn the spelling rule of the powerpoint, and start noticing them in the words. Can you read the words? Then develop your skills to spell them. Attachments below if needed and I shall also add them to Spelling Shed.
L.O. I can relate to a character’s actions and feelings.
Today you will start to consider the view point of Hogarth and how he might feel guilty about the Iron Man.
Questions to think about from Chapter 2 of The Iron Man
How do you think Hogarth feels?
What clues are there in the text?
Do you think Hogarth may feel guilty?
Do you think Hogarth do the right thing?”
Do you think Hogarth’s dad thinks he did the right thing? Why?”
Think about the relationship between the two characters and how Hogarth would want to make his dad happy and proud.
Do you think The Iron Man is a good or a bad character?
Why are his actions seen as bad?
How do his actions make others feel?
Do you agree with this statement? The Iron Man ate a tractor, but he only did it because he was hungry.
Complete a list of sentences, attached below. (Ch 2 Iron Man Sentence Starters)
I have set about 5 fraction activities as 2Do's on Purplemash today, as revision. Everyone will enjoy playing these, but if your child has found fractions challenging to grasp, then please focus on these games today and tomorrow.
More of a challenge, but please watch the videos, so your child can develop understanding of problem solving methods:
White Rose Maths - Lesson 3 from Summer Term, week 2 - Solving Problems
Watch the video link for the lesson on the linked website, then attempt the questions, as attached below. Pick and choose.They are challenging, so maybe go away to think about it, before having another go! The answers are also there for your parents ;-)
RE The Ascension: Jesus goes back to his Father but promises to send the Holy Spirit.
Read about The Ascension on the attachment below.
Write a diary entry or discuss verbally, how you would feel, if you were one of Jesus’s apostles, after his Ascension. Click on the links to paintings from the National Gallery, of how artists imagined and painted the scene of The Ascension.