Summer Term Gallery
A and her sister have been very busy making all the food for the Caterpillar. She even found a real caterpillar in her garden and did some lovely writing about the story.
A has been busy this morning creating a picture of The Very Hungry Caterpillar 🐛
L really enjoyed painting a picture of The Very Hungry Caterpillar using her paints. She made a shopping list using all of her amazing phonics skills!
Today F watched the story of the Hungry Caterpillar and he told me how they turn into butterflies. Later on we did 2 pages of subtraction questions from his special book and learnt how to use number lines to help solve problems
Today F watched the story of the Hungry Caterpillar and he told me how they turn into butterflies. Later on we did 2 pages of subtraction questions from his special book and learnt how to use number lines to help solve problems
Martha has been a real busy bee with her learning about the hungry caterpillar.
É has really enjoyed making a start on our new topic.
F has had fun making her caterpillar with play dough. She then wrote a shopping list for the caterpillar.
M-C made a beautiful collage with Daddy and practised her amazing writing!
G has been super-busy with his reading and writing.
O made a mini-book about the very hungry caterpillar. She drew pictures and labelled them. She did a page about measuring in her maths workbook and made a beautiful display of spring flowers for mummy to arrive back home from work to.
M and her sisters have been super active helping to paint the house. They also ran 2.2K to raise money for the NHS - Amazing, well done girls!!
S has enjoyed reading The Hungry Caterpillar and has been having fun doing the activities
S has enjoyed reading The Hungry Caterpillar and has been having fun doing the activities
T had great fun making caterpillar bread. Look at her beautiful writing about the hungry caterpillar!
T is really enjoying our new topic and has been super busy with his learning.
This week N has been thinking about how he can help people to be happy. We have read the story of the good Samaritan talked about how we can help others and do as God wishes us to. N thought it would be nice to paint some stones and hide them for his friends and others to find to bring them joy at this time when we cannot enjoy games and play time together. He has asked his friends in reception to look for his stones and send him pictures to help him to feel happy too.