Spring Term Gallery
"Today we learnt about the ai sound and thought of words with ai in them like snail, wail, pain, train, trail"
"M and her sisters have been very active, learning to bat and complete SAQ training"
"É made a fairy garden today. The fairy garden has a fairy and a mouse in the garden. É then asked if she could write a story about the fairy and the mouse. É then made a little book, wrote her story and drew pictures to illustrate her story"
"O has made depiction of a bible story in a jar. She chose Jesus walking on the water. We talked about how Jesus was able to perform miracles and what miracles are. She also converted her fairy garden into an Easter garden"
"Today's sound is qu, today is sunny, today we read Making a Dinosaur and then we made our own one like the book, today I feel happy and calm. We have made a secret box, a register, a water bottle tray and a wow box with sweeties in it! I am doing the 30-day LEGO challenge and today I made a roller coaster. We are using the Busy Bee book as a daily diary. "
"E made his own fruit kebabs from Little Chefs. He used the knife to cut the apple, strawberry and grapes using the bridge method. We talked about repeating patterns and E was able to make one using the fruit."
"L looked at bonds to 10 using the part part whole model using her ponies.
We explored different ways to split the ponies between two islands and then wrote the numbers.
L then wanted to make a numberline to make the ponies jump up and down"
"R painted his very own sun catcher for his bedroom window!"
"Today we made our own superhero masks. R picked the materials he wanted to use and carefully stuck them onto his mask."
"S has been making patterns using shapes and colours"
"Today we worked on a "lego project". R was encouraged to consider what type of item he could build using spare bricks, draw a plan of what he would build & label it. R was encouraged to sort through pictures on the internet that were reasonable for him to build with what we had available, how many bricks he would need, shapes etc and build the item. He was encouraged to sound out the words we needed to label so he could use the blending to write the word"
"This morning we played the roll and read game. It was fun! I liked rolling the dice and sometimes we rolled the same number twice in a row! I even rolled a number 6 which is the best because it is the biggest number! Woohoo! "
Z has been super busy with his writing and drawing.
A and L created and designed a Den out of the cuttings when we were gardening. Complete with bucket lift and “secret entrance”.
A had a brilliant time today with a science kit. He made and decorated a rocket and built a telescope ready for a “space launch” in the garden.
Today M wrote a recipe for Chicken soup. She listed the ingredients we would need, mummy drew the pictures next to them and M coloured them in.
Later this afternoon, M cut up the vegetables and added all the ingredients to the pan. We will all have this for our dinner tonight.
Today A has been busy making toilet roll bunnies and other animals! She really enjoyed cutting out all the different shares and sticking them together!
M made rainbows and displayed them in our windows so other children can see them when they are out walking to cheer them up. M made perfume by collecting things from the garden and then mixing them altogether in her mud kitchen.
To finish the week, Daddy put the tent up and we had fish and chips delivered - what a treat!