Our Learning at Home. Summer Term - Year 3
If you email me your work via the class email address year3@holy-family.surrey.sch.uk I shall endeavour to display it here. If you have sent in PDF's, they will be posted as attachments at the bottom of the page.
I have attached a photo gallery to the right, where I will put all your children's work that is sent to me for the last few weeks of term. I continue to be so impressed by everyone's efforts. If you have sent in PDF's these are at the bottom of the page. They are brilliant too, so please take a look.
Here is P's advert for being a slave. Do have a watch:
Do you have what it takes to be a Roman soldier? Read these letters and see if you are persuaded. Letters sent in from P and S are attached at the bottom as PDF attachments.
Roman Soldier Speech by R
Have you spotted any birds outside your home this week? This is L's chart. Sh'e also made a ladybird feeder, which she is proudly holding here.
Are you good at building bridges? J has shown us how it is done!
Our amazing Big Writes on 'The She Wolf 'from the myth of Romulus and Remus:
Have you had a go at growing grass seed heads? I'm looking forward to the hair growing on these creations by F and L.
On the webinar last week, I talked about all the fun that can be had out of a cardboard box. We've made a puppet theatre for Emilia and she has really enjoyed getting out Crocodile the Police Officer and the Naughty Rabbit! F has obviously been eyeing up cardboard boxes too and has sent in her amazing creation - a VW camper van! Great efforts, F!
Did you know these facts about what the Roman soldiers wore? L sent in her work.
R has worked hard illustrating symbols of the Holy Spirit for R.E., when learning about Pentecost. Fabulous, R!
L has been learning Geography this half term, amongst others. His work is so carefully presented. Well done, L!
Do you like R's drawings for the story of Romulus and Remus? I do. She has taken so much care with her drawings.
O has done an amazing snail collage, that is on the Art home learning page. He's also shared his drawing of The Space Bat Angel Dragon! Great skills, O! Sorry it's on its side, Oscar.
L has started on her whole school home learning. She has been learning more about the Earth and the planets for Geography. She has also painted a snail which is on the Whole School Home Learning Art Gallery for The Snail.
P with her sister I, has been busy making a cake in a mug. Yum! I'm after the recipe now :-)
With all this lovely sunny weather, it has been a wonderful time to learn about plants. Here is C's learning:
The International Space Station by T. Amazing!
A sketch of the Space-Bat-Angel-Dragon by S
L has been learning about the journey to the moon.
R has been writing about and sketching the Space Bat Angel Dragon
J, A & C have been in school during lockdown. They enjoyed making an amazing robot!
Music makers!
The children have been busy writing Newspaper Reports. Such great efforts from home!
Scroll to the bottom of the page (attachments) to see M's powerpoint about her socially distanced cake sale on V.E. Day to fundraise for Help the Heroes. She raised £30. Fantastic, M!
She put together the powerpoint for her R.E. work for Serving Others.
Writing about service to others for our R.E. topic - Energy during this time of separation.
Picture by R in the style of Eric Joyner- robot with doughnut.
L has been sketching in the style of Tom Gauld and writing about and drawing the Space Bat Angel Dragon.
Everyone worked really hard on their Big Writes. This is C's Big Write!
T has been out in nature, for Science. He has drawn his observations of the leaves he found. Do you know what type of leaf it is?
L has been reading about the mysterious Space-Bat-Angel-Dragon from the Iron Man.
D has been making soda bread. She measured and weighed all the ingredients herself and then kneaded it! Delicious!
Commemorating 75th Anniversary of V.E. Day:
Learning about the 3 Times Table
Space Race Timeline
drawing and sketching in the style of Tom Gauld by M
T has been inventing a robot dog that bakes food as well as studying Sputnik 1 for History.
S has been writing about the Iron Man
B has been writing about Derek Jones - a case of mistaken identity.
L has been writing different scenarios for a newspaper. Retired Police Officer Tom Perfect running down the school corridor is my favourite! Not so 'perfect 'after all!
P has been designing her own newspaper. Great idea, P!
E has been writing about South Africa! Such great attention to detail.
T has been creative with his design for his robot. Loving the bow tie!
M has been learning about plants for Science, and has been planting seeds.
S has been cooking, making pizza bagels. Yummy!
R with Bob.
P had great ideas for her robot!
O designed his robot .... and then added electronics to make his robot's eyes light up.
L designing and creating her robot.
Some of M's projects and activities.
All the children have been busy writing Iron Man poems.
J helping the NHS and the front line whilst learning about our new topic. Amazing!
C made a robot out of sports equipment!
E created a garden full of beautiful, colourful paper birds.
F with her robot. Look at those light up eyes!
A with Fluffy the Robot.
E has been making a robot food mixer!
S has been working in collaboration with his brother to make an amazing exploding volcano and a map of Africa drawn in chalk. Science and Geography in action!
O has been learning about Sputnik1. Isn't it great?
J has been discovering facts about Sputnik1. I'm so impressed by his work. It's fantastic!
E has a dinner party every weekend! They lay the table all smart, put on their aprons and do a course each! This week, E was on puddings, but they have a starter, main and a pudding , just like at a restaurant! Very smart! When this is all over, I look forward to my invitation! Delicious!
F has been busy with her Iron Man English work:
gloomydarksplashingbright eyesthinkingslowly walked
L has enjoyed learning about Sputnik 1 as well as being inspired by the plants on her daily walk. Beautiful!
L has been busy writing about The Butterfly Lion.
She has been thinking about circus animals too:
P has been creative making a wonderful Easter Garden:
M and family walked so far and got lost that they must have reached South Africa, as they came across a cheetah!