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RE - Holy Week

In school our RE topics usually follow 6 lessons. Below I am going to suggest 7 short tasks that you can do with your child to complete our objectives for this topic. You can be as creative as you like with the presentation of your work. Please complete the tasks in your 'work from home' book. If you decide to complete the task by making something please stick a picture or the sheet you create into your book.

  1. Lesson 1- create a Lenten tree. (Instructions in home learning pack given on last day).
  2. Lesson 2- Lent is a time to look at the ways in which we can change and live like Jesus.  People can change and become more loving, kinder and more helpful. Lent is a time to pray, to give up something and to do something good, so we can be more like Jesus. Task: Look at the pictures below and get your child to write about how they can use Lent as an opportunity to change and be like the person in one of the pictures. Complete the following sentences:

    I can think of Jesus often by...

    I can think of others first by...

    I can do something extra by...

    I can give up..

  3. Lesson 3- Lent is a special time when the family of Jesus think about making a new start.  There are occasions when everyone wishes they could make a new start.  They wish they could do things differently and not have said or done something unkind, hurtful or silly.  It is a time when the family of Jesus try to change and be more like Jesus. Task: Read 'Come, turn to me' to your child. Explain that this is God speaking to us and that God does not change because God is always kind and loving. Draw a heart. Inside write/draw ways in which you can change or make a new start.                                           

  4. Lesson 4- Palm Sunday. Watch this video but only to 1:25 !! Task: Can you create a welcome banner for Jesus? Imagine Jesus is going to visit your street and you want to welcome him by holding up a banner. What words might you write on there? (Think about what they said in the video). What might you decorate your banner with?

  5. Lesson 5- Read the story below. Task: Make a Good Friday garden that can be changed into an Easter garden on or after Easter Sunday.                     For Example:

  6. Lesson 6- Jesus’ death on Good Friday was not the end of the story.   In the Gospels we hear how Jesus was given new life by God his Father on the third day after he died.  We call that day Easter Sunday. Read the story below. Task: Adapt your Good Friday garden to make an Easter Garden with an empty tomb and flowers.   

  7. Challenge- Can you make your own storyboard of the Easter story with words and pictures? If you don't want to draw and write the story yourself use pages 3, 4 and 5 of the 'Holy Week Story Sequencing Cards' which is attached at the bottom of this page. Just cut each part of the story out and stick them in the correct order in your 'work from home' book.


Here are some more activities you might like to try with your child at home:

  • Click on the 'CAFOD Primary Lent calender 2020' at the bottom of the page for short activities to complete each day during Lent.

  • Use the 'Stations of the Cross Powerpoint' and 'Stations of the Cross Script' to read the Stations of the Cross to your child. Then look at the fifth station- Simon of Cyrene carries the cross and complete 'CAFOD stations of the cross activity'.

  • Click on the 'CAFOD Project ideas' for ideas to help CAFOD's Lenten project. This year they have been thinking about the Amazon rainforest and the people who live there. You can use your knowledge from our 'Rainforests' topic to do some creative writing. There are also some ideas for home cooking, using your outdoor space and comparing it to a rainforest, and an art project to design your own football team!