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Our Amazing Work from Home

Here are some pictures that our fantastic friends in Year 1 have sent in of the brilliant learning they have been getting up to at home. If you have any work you are proud of send a picture and short comment about what you have done or what you enjoyed/ found hard to the school office and I will upload it to this page as soon as I can! I can't wait to see all of you fabulous work on here!

O has been working really hard making his Lenten tree with the help of his sister


R has been doing her art project and lots of reading


E has been collecting and painting beautiful things for her Easter garden



 A has played a lot in her garden for PE. She has said her prayers every night, praying for our whole class. She made some bread and learnt that yeast is a good germ! And she put some rosemary on her Lenten tree, which is now on her bedroom door so that she can see it every day



A has been very busy practising her maths, reading and exercise every day. She has also done some brilliant phonics and handwriting work. She is enjoying learning about different animals and has started her art project too.




J has been doing some gardening, coding, cooking, PE and craft, as well as lots of maths, reading and handwriting. Read what he says below




O has been doing a great job of her RE projects too. She has created a Lenten Tree and her Good Friday garden. I love the way you can see the difference between the garden on Good Friday and then how it changes on Easter Sunday.



L has been down to the beach to practise writing in the sand! She has also made a superb Lenten Tree


I and S have been working hard on their RE projects. They recreated the story of 'The Last Supper'


A has been doing lots of maths and writing. She has also been practising her martial arts, cooking and she has been going for walks every day. I love her home tuck shop!



E has been busy at home practising her writing, maths and reading. She has also done lots of crafts and I love the rainbows she has made an put in her window



L has been looking at wildlife today. He also created his own aeroplane for his DT project. Once it was made he went outside and tested it


F re-created his Mummy's favourite piece of art work. Click on the link below to watch him test forces with his paper aeroplane.

F testing forces

R has been doing maths and baking with his sister. Click on the link below to see a video of them cooking.

R making syrup cake


J made a fantastic Lenten Tree



C learnt about minibeasts today and did some painting. She also followed one of my online phonics lessons.

M has worked very hard on making a Roald Dahl presentation. She has included lots of exciting information and is going to present it to her family tonight! Good Luck.


L has been collecting shells every day, using her counting skills and getting some exercise at the same time. She made a delicious looking stew for Matilda and a fantastic fruit face! I love the creative writing she is doing inside the big box she found.


F has been learning about volcanoes and did a science experiment with one she made herself! She has also made a brilliant Lenten Tree.


O has been busy creating his fruit art as well as using a milk bottle to make Elmer! He's been trying really hard and got all his spelling right this week.


E has been really busy building bug houses with her Daddy, doing lots of super writing about Fantastic Mr Fox, and creating her beautiful Lenten Tree.



S has done some fantastic work about 'Billy and the Minpins'. She went exploring in the woods and found a secret door. Today she made a beautiful Lenten tree.



L has been having fun learning about different animals. She has also done some brilliant Phonics and Handwriting practise. Today she painted a tree and made chocolate chip cookies, helping to measure out the ingredients.


F has been working hard on his RE projects. He decided to call his project 'The beginning of an amazing journey'. The results look fantastic. F has also made his welcome banner for Jesus on Palm Sunday and his Good Friday garden!




O has done some brilliant reading, writing and phonics today even though she isn't feeling too well. Get well soon.


J has been working with fractions this week and helped his family cut their fruit into fractions. He has created a yummy looking 'My marvellous medicine' and he is looking forward to using his maths skills to build outside with Daddy!


J has made a really good start to his Art project. He has also done some cooking and written about it. He has practised his handwriting, maths, geography, art and exercise every day!


O got all of her spellings correct this week! She also did some DT/Food Technology by baking some cupcakes for the family. She didn't use any butter, just some sugar and 2 eggs. She has also completed some colouring comprehensions.


E has been working hard today doing lots of writing and baking for her Roald Dahl project.




E loved being a Scientist this week and made her own bouncy ball. She has also enjoyed art and drew a great Quentin Blake drawing from the Magic Finger.



C practised her weighing mass skills by using scales to measure the ingredients to make cupcakes.

I has been working really hard learning about The Great Fire of London. She made the Bakers' shop that started the fire and wrote a letter of help!


J has been busy making his Lenten Tree at home. He promises to be kind, to love, and to share.



J has been practising his Maths, he says he is getting better and better! He has been doing PE everyday with Joe Wicks, and every afternoon he has enjoyed the fresh air on his scooter. He has also been spending his free time building lego models. His lovely sister has been helping along the way.



L made a healthy fruit salad for the Twits and wrote a set of instructions using time connectives! She has also written her book review. She drew herself and wrote sentences about why she is special.



F has started his Amazing Addlestone project. He has also been doing lots of Maths, Spelling and Science work.


L has been doing lots of Phonics, Reading Comprehensions and Arithmetic. He has now started to read the Twits to his Mummy and Daddy at home. L got 8/8 on his spelling test. He has been doing lots of Maths and English as well as doing some exercise with his brother (Jumpstart Johnny) . He used his science and history skills to play Operation with his family and now he knows about the different bones that make up the body of a dinosaur.




F has learnt some facts about underwater creatures. She made a healthier snack for Augustus Gloop (some yummy looking cinnamon toast with banana) and she has written a book review about the Twits. Her absolute favourite thing is playing dodgeball in the garden with Daddy at lunchtime!