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Thursday 26th March

Well yesterday was another beautiful day. I hope windows were open, and if you have a garden, you were able to take your learning outside / get some exercise. 

We had a busy day on the blog. I'll be back on at 10.45am today, if Purplemash doesn't crash. As for the email I've sent, I've changed the settings so you should now be able to reply to me. I've also changed the settings so you can email eachother, but I will have to check them first. Please keep slang out of the messages, as I don't understand it (!) and as such, won't be able to approve it.

Spelling Shed and Times Tables Rockstars

Half of the class have been on spelling shed in the last week. Fantastic! Can we encourage anyone else? I'd love even more, so tell your friends! In 24 hours we've risen from 5th place, to 4th place. Can we get any higher? When I checked this afternoon, Amy was now in  22nd place across the school, Maisy was in 26th place, Mia was in 32nd place and Maya was in 45th place. Fantastic girls! I wonder if we can get any boys in the top 50? I've put new assignments on there for revision and consolidation, as well as a set of challenge words, so there is something for everyone to help improve  spellings. The spelling homework words are also there. I'll have a look at Times Tables Rockstars today, once I've found my password! Make sure you try and get on there too, as we need to keep all our skills ticking over. 


Can you do an A-Z hunt in your home / outside space? Make a list of everything you spot for each letter.

For example, just from where I'm sitting, I can see:

astronaut, (toy)




Afterwards, with your list, can you think of an adjective, verb and adverb to join your noun? Write the sentences in your home learning book. You can extend the sentences even more if you like.

So for example,

1. The      brave      astronaut      bounced       lightly.

            adjective      noun                 verb           adverb

2. A transparent bag flapped wildly.

3. The blue camera clicked quickly.

and so on

Can you find something for every letter? Have fun!



We're a little ahead of ourselves with our fraction work, so please make sure today that you are comfortable with all of the videos for this week on:

Lessons 1 - 5 Unit and non unit fractions through to tenths as decimals.

This link has all worksheets for you and all answer sheets for your parents, if you want to go over anything again for this unit. We will be moving on next week to fractions of amounts, so it would be great if you are ready.

In the meantime, have a look out for fractions in real life. The photograph powerpoint below can start you off for ideas, and there is also a medium chilli challenge and a hot chilli challenge for fractions in real life to have a go at. Choose the one you're more comfortable with. You can answer into your working from home book. Don't worry if this is too hard for now. Next week we will learn more about fractions of amounts, but it would be great if you could just think about how and why we use fractions.  Also make a note / take photos of any real life fractions you see around the home. Good luck!


Have a go at making an Easter Garden in your home or in your garden. Go on a scavenger hunt. What can you find to make it? Be imaginative. This is for you, although if you can take any photos, hopefully we can find a way to share, as we'd love to see them! You won't be able to go to a garden centre at this time, so just go with your ideas. If this isn't possible, have a go at creating an Easter Garden Scene. Lots of ideas below. See the source image

Image result for Easter GardensImage result for easter gardensSee the source image

Image result for Easter Tomb CraftImage result for Easter Tomb CraftImage result for easter tomb craft pictures

See the source image

I will also add some things on Purplemash in the 2DO folder.

See you at 10.45 for the blog. Miss you all. 

Mrs Willgoose