Tuesday 1st March
Brother Vincent will visit the class this morning, sometime between 9am and 10am, to talk to the children for 20 minutes or so, as part of the preparations for their First Holy Communion.
Spelling lesson - Please look at slides on pages 127 - 138 (document attached below, to introduce homophone words. Children can practice new spellings on whiteboards or similar.
Whole School Assembly at 10am.
KS2 Breaktime - it is my duty on the KS2 playground.
Class Visit to Library to change library books (or send small groups out with LSA).
Maths - Convert Pounds and pence
Teaching Video White Rose - Convert Pounds and Pence
Teaching Powerpoint and worksheet attached below.
Extension - Some children may be able to start / continue page 97 from Target Your Maths textbook, writing answers in their exercise books.
The Iron Man - Read Chapter 2 up to page 15. (Whole Class reading - children share the book in pairs).
What crimes has the Iron Man committed? How would you feel if you were those farmers? What would you do?
Explain to the children that this week they will be writing their own 'Wanted' Poster. Today, we will be looking at what makes a good 'Wanted' poster. Show an example (WAGOLL) of a missing poster for the Iron Man. Give a copy to the children each, to stick into their topic books. Children to highlight the descriptions of the Iron Man that they can find, which is linked to the text.
There is also an annotated copy for the teacher to use, as they wish.
Introduce new topic - Listening and Sharing.
- Stick in targets sheet.
- Stick in St. George's sheet (children will do this with them shortly)
Learning Focus 1 - Role Play - the Gathering and Introductory Rite at Church. Children record learning by drawing and labelling the different parts taught.
Learning Focus 2 - The Gloria - highlight with a highlighter favourite parts. Extension - write own prayer.
All homework (Spelling, English and Maths) also goes out today. Info about Homework on yesterday's page. Check with LSA that it is all ready to go. Get any marked as a class etc, if not already done so.