Monday 1st March
Today we are going to learn about baby animals and that not all baby animals look like their parents.
Click on the link for this fun story by one of our favourite authors...
Follow up activity
We are going to match baby and adult animals and talk about what is the same and what is different about the two.
Scroll down to print the matching activity.
Cut out all the squares and mix them up on the table. Can you match the baby to it's mother? You can glue this onto paper if you wish. NB. Parents. It's important to talk, talk, talk to develop lots of rich vocabulary and understanding.
Option 2
If you don't have a printer, click on the link to play a cool matching game...
Click on the link for today's new sound..
Scroll down to print off the phonics ur sheet
Click on he link for today's lesson...
Follow up activity
Optional activity
Scroll down to print off the representing 9 and 10 sheet
Choose an activity to complete related to our morning story..
Option 1
Click on the link to complete a task set in Purple Mash. Can you create your own monkey? You will need your login details and to click on the alerts / 2do icon to find the task.
Option 2
Scroll down to view the 'how to draw a monkey' activity...
Click on the link for today's story with Mrs Carter...