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Thursday 25th February

Good morning lovely Year 3! I see Year 5 haven't been looking and we're back at the top of the charts again on Spelling Shed, as a class. Amazing!

Morning Teams at 8.45 - If you have anything to share / show, please do so. I think we could all do with some inspiration at the moment!

Early Morning Work- Comprehension from Ch 1 The Iron Man. Questions below.

Maths Teams at 9.15 - Statistics - Draw Pictograms 

Today, as I can't get the tallies to show correctly on the powerpoint when I present it live to you, I would like you to watch the lesson by the white rose video link, which you can click just below. However, I will still see you quickly. Please bring your whiteboards. We'll attempt drawing a 'shoe size' pictogram on our whiteboards together.

Statistics - Draw Pictograms   Click here for the video, which will help you complete the worksheet sheet.

Maths True or False

Maths Extension Activity from a text book. Write answers in your exercise book.

English Teams at 11 - Today we will be preparing for our Big Write; a poem about the Iron Man. I will model some writing for you in this session, and there is another student's example here too. There is no need to print the templates, but I have added two below if needed; one black and white and one colour, which is probably best avoided on home printers! The template will help you to achieve the success criteria, as it's a visual reminder of how to set it out, so look at it, even of you don't use it. The similes and the questions we don't know know the answers to, from our work yesterday, will help you with your poem.

Maths Answer True or False

I shall now pass you over to Mrs Clark and I'm excited to see your Iron Man poems. 

Mrs Willgoose x


Good Afternoon Year 3,

I hope you all enjoyed the Half-term break and spent lots of time away from screens.

Thank you so much for my generous gift!  My flowers look gorgeous in my kitchen and the chocolates were so yummy, I ate them far too quickly! I had them delivered to me at home on Monday, which was such an uplifting treat.  Thank you so much to all Yr3 parents and children for this kind and thoughtful gesture!

Today's Art lesson will be all about a contemporary American Artist called Eric Joyner.  Today you are going to create the first stage of a piece of art inspired by Eric Joyner, through observational drawing. If you would like to find out more about his work, I have included a video link in the powerpoint. 

Enjoy your sketching, I can't wait to see your masterpieces!

Mrs Clark x