Tuesday 9th February
Good morning Year 3.
Check in Teams at 8.45 Today we start with arithmetic. Can you beat your time and score? What's stopping you going quicker? Number bonds or a certain method? Can you work on those?
Maths Teams at 9.15 Today we are looking at using pounds in money. Please complete the worksheet as set out below and maybe have a go counting all your money! Or having a go at the money games / additional money sheets attached on the week of 8th February page.
English Teams at 11Our English lesson is a grammar lesson today 'What is a Preposition?'
Science Teams at 1.30 To know the names of the different teeth and what their functions are.
What do we know about teeth and how to look after our teeth? If you have a dental mirror at home, children can look at their own teeth with dental mirrors and share what they observe about their mouth (tongue, taste buds, gums) & teeth: what do you notice about the shape and size of your different teeth?
Children to look at their teeth to identify milk teeth, adult teeth, missing teeth and to label the names of teeth.
Do children and adults have the same number of teeth?
Second part of task: what jobs do our teeth do? Look at our teeth again: compare shapes, feel our teeth with our fingers (ensure clean). Which teeth do you think are responsible for grinding and crushing food? For tearing food? For biting and cutting? Why?
Task: (1) Children to identify on Teeth Diagram worksheet baby teeth, adult teeth, missing teeth (colour-coded) and then label with the correct names of the teeth.
(2) Children to cut out the images of teeth from ‘Individual Teeth Images’ sheet, glue into book, write name of tooth type and its function.
Extend: Chn to complete differentiated ‘Comparing Animal Teeth’ extension sheet. Why do different animals have different teeth?